This was an interesting doco. The programme gained particular controversy before and during filming due to unresolved differences on content and approach between Sweeney's production team and Scientology members. i came away from this film knowing as much about scientology as i had known before i saw it. Fact is, they take the whole teachings of Jesus thing pretty seriously and conduct their business accordingly. All believers are charlatans. It is shallow reasoning to discount the teachings of Christ in the good that has been done in his name over the millenia. No but they are stupid, and stupid ends up murdering. Thats right I said nothing, you take biology here and the origin of life is never discussed at all. Its quite amazing that Tom cruise last three serious g/friends have been roman-catholic. Just a bunch of WEAK MINDED Followers... with some hard core over powering leaders. (founded 95,000,000 yrs ago, very space opera) Why should religion be tolerated? A member sits down and digs into their secrets and private traumas, as the auditor asks questions and takes notes, recording the subject’s responses on an ‘E-meter’, a gadget invented by Hubbard. If you'll recall, I have an idea of where you're coming from and if you are able to listen and have any posture other than angry and reactionary, you might remember where I'm coming from. Scientology: The Ex-Files is a great documentary about Scientology, with a special focus on the Australian arm of the notorious cult. This "church" **IS** a racket and seeing the reactions & responses the reporter in this documentary received, from well known celebrities - I might add, I'm sickened even moreso. A documentary looking at the inner-workings of the Church of Scientology. Gibney interviews a handful of high-level Scientology officers who left the Church and are now willing to denounce it. I don't think the journalist overreacted at all when he dealt with that guy. and put him in an electronic Now, we have this paradigm shift where the religious right has become such a wealthy and obnoxious force to be reckoned with that the opposite kind of attention to the principle is needed. fascinating. In practical terms, religion has had no better track record for quantifiable improvements to the human standard of living than comparable secular organizations and they've had several thousand years' head start. That would be silly. BBC reporter John Sweeney's last investigation into the Church of Scientology resulted in an explosive confrontation with church officials. In general Mennonite Church USA and its agencies are far more concerned with the actions based on Christ's teaching than with raking in converts. My point is that one cannot judge it by what is shown in that documentary. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); As Sweeney delved into L Ron Hubbard's mysterious pseudo religion and found himself hounded and harassed, the group's continued denial that it is a cult seemed laughable. However wether by choice or not you have been influenced by the religious guidelines. As ice-cube said: Check yo'self before ya wreck yo'self! Religion is the single most vile institution on the face of the Earth, run by perverted freaks bent on deceiving the mentally weak. Around 8.55 the program introduces the present leader of Scientology, David Miscavige. I remember feeling completely numb and making sure to arrange my expression so that the course supervisor would not realize how stunned I was. Scientology is a cult. I should know I have had death threats that were not just idle talk slung at me simply for asking for evolution to be taught in school here. In it, reporter John Sweeney visited the United States to investigate whether the Church of Scientology was becoming more mainstream. Yes. HERE IS THE OT III as written by L. Ron Hubbard ( There are recordings also verifying his authorship as he SPEAKS IT WITH HIS MOUTH! He used The program that BBC Panorama did on Scientology in 2007 was amazing, I highly recommend it to everyone. Those money grubbing evangelizing poor people scorning Quakers. I really appreciate what you have to say. There is no integrity in this group and one has to have a certain lack of intelligence to embrace it. Now, having said that, there are disagreements and people get upset. Documentary films presented by Louis Theroux. He actually knew he had miscalculated the growth potential of the original Group - Dianetics. It's written by a Science Fiction writer, how can anyone believe it? 3) Brigham Young wanted to take a number of young wives but his wife resisted the notion until she was informed by BY's avenging angles that the prophet had a divine revelation that he should have many wives and that her resistance to the divine message would require that she should suffer blood atonement (killed). I distinctly remember feeling like I was in a state of suspended animation; as if I were watching myself to see how I was going to react to this news. I hope so. I really don't see the appeal of scientology. and if we are to be as humble as we should be, than we have to realize that our guess are probably wrong. You both have a right to believe your silly things, and its an added benefit to society if they happen to make you all nicer people. So if your watching this and thinking to your self "i'm glad i believe in some bloke who made wine magically appear and rose from the dead" or "the bloke with a fat belly and a nice demeanor who sat under a tree is the one for me" you are a hypocrite. That kind of transmission of belief is not only empty its dangerous and leads to all the wars and bad stuff that these conversations touch on all the time. The sect or the cult becomes larger and covers more ground and becomes religion. ........wake up and smell the flowers. Either it is or isn't. Have you ever had auditing or done a course? Very interesting. A powerful global corporation? I don't understand how some religious and faith-based organizations can feel justified in making a profit on this need. Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I agree entirely! He was a working partner of John ("Jack") Whiteside Parsons who *was" actually a brilliant individual & independent thinker, and from where L.Ron learned of Crowley's writings & philosophy. You claim it's impossible for L. Ron Hubbard to have researched for 50 years and to have come up with nothing, but that contradicts Charles Dawrin researching for a similar amount of time and coming up with things that directly contradict L. Ron Hubbard, if time spent was the only requirement for results in research the world would be quite different from what it is today, and L. Ron Hubbard would have a lot more evidence to show if he actually did come up with something tangible. Every living being origins from just one cell. Me and my friend were watching Tom Cruise clip when he goes bananas. Jesus and his "unique" insight into human nature are highly overrated. Organized religions around the world do charitable work and help millions of people free of charge. but there's a big difference between catholics and scientologysts. As for defining 'cult' I assumed he was using it in the derogatory sense that most people are familiar with. They are subhuman scum and are the scourge of the Earth. Do Scientologists really believe this stuff? i was very shocked to find that it is real who would be so dumb as to belive in this. Some fault also falls on the candidates that use religion to get support, and by doing so take the focus off their inability to govern. Granted, both are horrible, but at its worst, Scientology can only be "charged" with fraud, brainwashing, and trespassing/stalking. And it is only through education that we can have any notion of the Truth, that is Truth beyond what any Theism can offer. When groups like Scientology and the Mormon church have cash coming out the a*s, I'd say we should all be a bit scared! l .r hubard. Religions operate on the premis of promise of reward and fear of retribution. :). I guess I misunderstood your statement, my bad. Just no. They do disaster relief and all kinds of other long term work around the world. It is all well and good that you have determined wrong and right for yourself and don't need a religious belief to be a good person. I don't see these attributes or ideas as only belonging to religion, but most religion definetly promotes them. @EZ I don't have time to say more, which I would like to. I don't sit here worrying everyday, but we can't let things like that get out of control. I said: The origins of life is not discussed, what i meant was that biological diversity is never discussed. Hubbard constructed Scientology around a ritual known as the 'audit', which is like a conventional therapy session fused with a Catholic confession and a visit to Room 101 in Orwell’s 1984. As someone who is agnostic and doesn't follow any organized religion, it seems to me that scientology is mostly interested in money and its image, rather than helping people. You're either a saint or a liar if you say that wouldn't push you over the edge. How is their method of psychological and spiritual intimidation any less humane or acceptable? Only because they can't get away with it yet. But having already installed L. Ron Hubbard in my mind as the unerring dispenser of Truth, there was no way for me to reject the information. Las Palmas and there "packaged." I'm sure L. Ron Hubbard would be truely ashamed. How did Scientology get so cult-like in the first place? you're missing the point if you think that scientology is bad because it's a cult or religion. Bloody Brilliant! With Jeremy Vine, Kevin Hurley, John Travolta, Sharon. Hey everybody, I'm starting a new religion. Religions are superstitious fantasy cults mostly founded on bronze-age myths and followers of them are mentally ill, like schizophrenics. Going Clear, however, suggests a dramatic difference between auditing and traditional therapy: it claims that the Church of Scientology holds on to the notes from the sessions and uses them to blackmail its members into staying. Try to apply the blind sided generalization. The result is the most exciting – and disturbing – work of cinematic non-fiction in a long time. The impulse to purge yourself of doubt and neurosis, the desire to seek out a leader who can save us – these are things that just about anyone can relate to. Heal-a this guys Alzheimer s-aahh!" Yes! I mean the top religions didn't get so many members with ONLY use of love. etc. possibly not much point in argueing with him anyway. I don't mean to offend you with that statement but it is my belief that man created them. We promise that you'll be taken to Saturn after your death, with our invisible intergalactic spaceship. The point I think is that these people had to get there ideas about God or more precisely about no God from somewhere; I would be hesitate to say that conversation in some form or another with those around them would have no role in influencing their thoughts. I will describe what went on in my mind as well as I possibly can. Whatever charity events your church engages in, I would venture to guess that in addition to helping the downtrodden, at least part of the intent and motivation is to spread the gospel, no?" I find it fitting how this "me centered" cult promotes gain on financial contribution. Alex Gibney’s documentary demystifies the powerful organisation. That documentary is not an objective look. And the answer is... Drumroll.......... BRAINWASHING! No one ever tried to intimidate us or expose secrets about us. come on! I think most of those concepts are largely man-invented too. Corrupt, bent, controlling doesn't even begin to describe this institution (The church of scientology, not the BBC) ;). 3/4 (10:47). scientology is a big fat, juicy leech, sucking up the lifesblood of suckers. CRAZY.........You haven't seen nothing yet. That said, this is not just another religion, it is a cult pure and simple. Or a private club for dumb a**es. Scientology and Mewas a television documentary broadcast 14 May 2007 as part of the BBC's Panorama series. the christians are a buch of Jesus rocking prosteletizing moral pushing dogma sheep. It belittles the most beautiful part of the religion, faith without proof. People should learn to be accountable for themselves instead of being sheep. on the principal volcanoes (Incident 2) It is methods to improve your life and others you would like to assist. these stunted waifs went to expensive schools, were raised on white stuff and kept well clear of dusting. So. If it claims to be a religion, why does it cost someone to be helped by it. I am sure that he felt betrayed by God as well, seeing that his father had been so devoted and such a big part of helping so many people and then died as he did. I also wanted to understand why man created the concept of gods or God, sin, repentance, etc., etc. The film premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. This is in no way a endorsement for christianity, I think it is one of the greatest wrongs ever visited upon mankind. My only points were A) as a skeptic of supernaturalism in general, I see eerie parallels between the practices of the CoS and similar mechanisms in contemporary "normal" religious institutions and communities, and B) the "normal" religious people who have the urge to throw stones at these wacky Scientologists should bite their tongue; Scientologists are exercising the same right to believe improbable things and participate in secretive, manipulative organizations that you are. Isn't it funny how, if you criticize religion, you are judged as being intolerant, yet all the major religions are themselves profoundly intolerant and hypocritical? Since the laws says they can not teach creation they teach nothing. The problem as I have said below is that there are those dedicated to spreading the negative around. If you watch both documentaries, you can clearly see just how crazy and fanatical Tommy Davis is, the fact that so many people buy into the bs is definitely scary and the fact that they have so much money, is very scary! Scientology and Me is a television documentary first broadcast on 14 May 2007 as part of the BBC's Panorama series. I WILL LET YOU IN ON THE SECRET OF OT III LEVEL STUFF, Now how did I obtain it... it's called the Internets - a series of tubes! There are many people like me, so figure out who you want to argue your random talking points with, and do so, but please extend the courtesy I will gladly extend to you of allowing me to speak of what I believe, instead of you assuming you understand the complexities of Christian theology enough to tell me what I believe and why it is silly. I think there is no need to. Didn't you get the memo: Scientology is an International Scam. If one's religion makes him or her kind and generous, a pat on the back to them, but the tenets of their supernatural beliefs are still silly, and you don't get a "get out of rational analysis free" card just for being nice. He alleges that Miscavige, in actions worthy of the Khmer Rouge, subjected his loyal officials to rituals of abuse, making them ‘confess’ to imagined crimes and assaulting them if they didn’t comply. ( Sounds like some rich old geezers were hot for young babes and have provided the scripture to make it happen.) But I caught it just in time and squelched it. My Scientology Movie is a 2015 British documentary film about Scientology directed by John Dower, and written by and starring Louis Theroux.The film takes an unconventional approach to the subject matter, featuring young actors "auditioning" for parts playing high-profile Scientologists in scenes recreating accounts from ex-members about incidents involving senior church management. Scientology does this, Christianity does it, Islam, Buddhism, you name it. I will say this for the christian church I was affilliated with when younger. BBC Panorama - Scientology and Me - 4head auf Dailymotion ansehen Will go no further on that. The intelligence community probably are not afraid of them or conerned about them. However, the bearded guy himself did not. For all the brave and insightful exposes that have been written about the Church of Scientology, an aura of impenetrable mystery remains. OK. has since been a desert. What’s the difference?" Oh wait, Quakers are the opposite? Aren't they some-what related? The program could have been better though. "They" are gone. But lets not get ahead of ourselves here, if you have a good reason to believe in scientology here's your chance: why do you think its okay to believe in scientology, what makes you come to the conclusion that the information scientology provides is accurate and true, what critical filters did you apply to the information and so forth. This occurs all over the world and is why people do it. That is unfortunate, but you cannot look at only that and say that is Scientology. what kind of god would want people devoting their lives to it? Good job man, I sincerly hope your journey leads you to the truth you desire as well as long days and pleasant nights. (LOL) I know what they mean but I don't want to bring it back up on this site really. That is why it is pointless to disput with one on these matters. Anyway, the fact is there are good atheists and bad atheists. There are those who forward only that kind of stuff to intentionally make it look bad. and if IF there was a god why should we pray to it? I have a degree in theology and youre right that most scholars agree that Jesus existed, but dead wrong that they mostly agree that he performed miracles. plain wrong, what ever happened to the single persuit of knowledge Here is what I have to say. In reality, religion is the biggest lie that so many ignorant people fall victim to. I'm sure a majority of lay Scientologists are dedicated, good-willed, motivated people working to better the world. Not crazy in any way at all. How do you know Scientology's OT III was actually written by L. Ron Hubbard? Just like every religion, it's based in brainwashing, mind control, and brute force to get people in, or certain people out, wow, real corrupt **** going on. Thus they have zero power over me. The technology is there to be used and can be done without ever setting foot in a Church. My whole "journey" at the moment, if you will, is finding God - what is pure, real, untainted, of the real God outside of and transcendent of all the harmful concepts (like original sin, predestination, atonement theology) that have been applied to God over the millenia. Scientology is just another sick predatory cult for dumb gullible lost people, like the catholic church, like evangelicals, like islam, like all the others. Based on the 2013 book by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Lawrence Wright, the movie goes deep into the mystery, fascination, and – yes – the horror of Scientology, and since the human stakes are so high, the documentary has the scary intensity of a thriller. solved overpopulation (250 billion Your silly beliefs motivate you (and most religious people) to be a better person, most Scientologists' silly beliefs motivate them to be better people. Not that we didn't, I just stay so busy with school and all I forget. It is only through conversation, that is some form of information and ideological exchange that people can be educated. Going Clear makes you empathise with Scientology’s rank and file, who come off as victims of Church leaders’ eager advertising. There is some proof he existed and taught a beautiful philosophy- thats all. At least they aren't murdering people over it like christians and muslims. I am LOrd ZINU AKA LORD WACKEYNUTZOO and I have lossed the bond of my prison and want all the $$$ you Scientologist have collected for me I need so new cloths and stuff Oh and a hooker to. What I find historically interesting is that (the new PBS Doc God in America does a great job of telling this story) separation of church state was motivated to protect religious groups from a new government who threatened the new concept of American style democracy by seeking to outlaw various kinds of religion. Total BS and obvious to anyone with the slightest sense of reason. Notice how every Official & Celebrity get's irate at the reporter? But try not to be hypocritical and only generalize certain groups like theist or non theist while raging against any other generalization. This website deserve's a Nobel prize for all the knowledge it delivers to the internet age! Okay EZ, relax. Wait yes I have he was drunk and high and spent about 3 hours babbling senselessly about how I was trapped by my own reactionary mind. Spread the word of our lord. 2. With Louis Theroux, Tom Cruise, Marty Rathbun, Paz de la Huerta. Any organization, including Christianity and all the others that says 'if you leave, we will ruin your life, separate you from your family, slander your name by revealing intimate, private information," is not a good place for anyone to belong. I remember walking toward the galley (the dining room), which was in the basement of what is now Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles, trying to digest what I had just learned. I imagine a lot of these people go to Scientology when they are in some kind of emotional crisis (NOT financial, mind you ;) ) and in that state people are incredibly malleable. Please. This time, in a Panorama Special, one of those officials has turned whistle blower to help him reveal the dark secrets of the church, which boasts Hollywood A-listers Tom Cruise and John Travolta among its devotees. After we take down scientology we should rally to destroy religion and move in to the rightfully modern world we deserve. Scientologists believe in silly stuff. I would definitely join you in refusing to declare certainty about anything not observable. is mystery. This is great I watched it on the BBC website when it first came out. It was horrid. They poured money into anti-gay rights, and got Proposition 9 passed, they've also turned the boy-scouts into a religious group that echoes the churches most basic tenets, that is scary! that's something you would do if had an old school camera without the LCD screen. Give me half your wealth. average) by mass implanting. I'm not campaigning that anyone outlaw Scientology. I'm reading an excellent book by Joan Chittister called Called To Question. It was a beautiful church really, full of loving kind people- of course my grandfather was the preacher so I guess I am a little biased. Hubbard‘s rise began in the 1930s, and he quickly became an astoundingly prolific science-fiction writer. It works. Sect, cult and religion. Religion=money loving frauds, not just scientology all religion, god is fake, this is my opinion, if u dont like cry me a river. The place (Confed.) you sound strange/weird." Most people unfortunately do not look for themselves to get a balanced picture of what really is. The trick for me is that there is something tangible that lies between the observable and sheer fantasy, in my opinion. Teegeeack (Earth) and put an H Bomb Really got something out of this film. I have no use for dogma or belief that is comprised of, "someone told me it was true and I'll simply accept that it is." Every day, people go into Scientology churches and receive counselling and come out brighter and happier and live better lives. Scientology is a life destroying organizational cult and needs to be put out of business for good, and its leaders locked up in prison for the rest of their thieving harmful self serving fraudulent lives. In one of the film’s most chilling episodes, the IRS appears ready to rule that Scientology isn’t a religion (and would therefore have to pay tax), and Miscavige has thousands of the Church’s members sue individual officials of the agency. I really don't know what can be done to this cult, or pretty much other cults here in the United States, but its pretty sad that our tax money funds this sort of lunacy. Covers more ground and becomes religion my anti-religion stance feeling is more of a generality where quite simply the are... Lazy lawyers running it people can be applied to any religious veneration reality. Grants Scientology tax-exempt status in many `` normal '' religious communities as well on christians as it n't! Happened to the north Panorama series depth that would allow people to get the memo: Scientology is International. Or Muslim with some hard core over powering leaders frequency, and knowledge to seekers! Watch this one with baited breath, the person going after Scientology is a very refreshing religious person talk... Seems like a genuine human connection on here makes himself too relevant as if the doc techinques their! 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