caladium plant care

All parts of this plant – the bulb, the stems, and the leaves – are poisonous when ingested. Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM A caladium is a tuberous, rooted perennial that originally came from South America. Grow caladiums in acidic soil that's moist and well drained. Grow you plants from bulbs. The Caladium likes to be indoors and requires a lot of indirect sunlight. Caladiums are tuberous-rooted tropical plants that have arrow-shaped leaves with red, pink or white veins. Putting these plants indoors before moving them outside will greatly help to improve the color. Entretien du caladium. Always remember that you are advised not to go ahead with the planting process unless the soil temperature has reached 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Planting Caladiums is very easy. Always make sure that the fertilizer does not come in contact with the leaves because they might lead to the burning of the edges and scorching of the leaves. Type above and press Enter to search. Expert horticulturists suggest applying fertilizer that’s about the quarter of the strength that you would use to feed flowering plants. Caladium, having tight, leathery leaves, and remaining fine-leaved and delicate. Another important thing was to use a fertilizer that is less in phosphorous. In case you intend to plant Caladiums outside, you will have to apply a shade as soon as they start to germinate. The type of soluble fertilizer that you can use for your indoor Caladiums could be Miracle-Gro Liquid All Purpose (8-7-6). If the soil becomes dry, … When the weather outdoors is warm enough and there is no risk of frost, you can move the plants to a shady area outdoors. As such, they will need to be planted when the air and soil temperature is warm. Avoid direct sunlight! Indoors or out, caladiums are a seasonal plant, with foliage in the summer and a rest period in the autumn or winter. You should get rid of weeds because they provide high competition with the plant for water, space, and nutrients. La température idéale se situe autour de 20-21°. Do note that if you are transferring potted caladiums, make sure you allow them to acclimate to the conditions outside before you put them into a garden bed. Your indoor caladiums only need a liquid fertilizer every couple of weeks. With some TLC, these exotic and colorful leafy plants can be just as eye-catching – if not more-so – than the showiest flowering plant. Leaf spot is a common disease in Caladium plants and it causes the lower leaves to develop light tan to brown spots. Apply the light fertilizer as soon as the plants start to germinate. See more ideas about caladium, planting flowers, plants. A balanced fertilizer with NPKabout 8-8-8 will do the job. Which means depending what hemisphere . Once winter disappears, you can remove them from the soil and then dry them before storing them in a proper place. However, to make the most of its pretty colors (pink, red) and brighten up the darkest corners, the plant needs a few hours of sun. As such, they do best in areas that receive full- or part-shade. You can put mulch on beds, but when the plant starts to germinate, you are supposed to remove them because they might lead to rotting. Au plus le caladium reçoit de lumière et au plus son feuillage est beau. If you’re growing fancy leaf caladium from tubers, it’s best to plant them in beds about 1.5 to 2 inches deep. No matter the size, all fancy leaf caladiums are comprised of a central bud that is surrounded by at least two secondary buds. Given the showiness and sometime delicate nature of these tropical plants, one might assume that fancy leaf caladium would be hard to grow. Even if we said that they do well in tropical zones between the 9th and 11th month, it is also very possible to plant caladium tubers indoors and letting them establish before putting them outside. In order to thrive, the soil conditions should mimic the soil that “angel wings” grow in in their native environment; rich, moist, and well-draining. Évitez la proximité d’une source de chaleur comme un radiateur car cette plante d’origine tropicale a besoin d’humidité. While some newer varieties are capable of tolerating more sunlight, a location that is mostly shady is best, as the colors of the leaves will be more vibrant. Bulbs are seasonal. They are unique and by its nature, and by choice of varieties, and the impression in the interior. How to Grow and Care for Caladium Plants. You should never store the Caladium tubers in the refrigerator because under low temperatures, the buds will not survive properly. While your plant is still in its foliar glory, you will need to keep it watered and happy. Tuber plants, fancy leaf caladium can be purchased from garden centers, nurseries, and even from online distributors. If you are located in a northern region, consider planting in a container, as the soil tends to warm up faster in containers. After establishment, you can use a sharp knife to remove the buds.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardenersyards_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_14',111,'0','0'])); You can as well apply some insecticides before you proceed to plant them outside. - Garden Care, How To Care About Peonies In Fall & Winter [Guide], Arbutus Marina Tree Care & Common Problems, How To Mix Neem Oil For Plants? Hollie has written for a number of publications and is now the resident garden blogger here at GardenBeast. With numerous color options, such as white, pink, and even deep red with contrasting veins and edges, this fancy leaf caladium is a great choice for a shade garden, as it breaks up the monotony of green and make those areas that don’t receive a lot of sun more vibrant. The variegated coloring is most often green with pink or white on the inner part of the leaf. Enjoy the entire growing journey of your plant. Many people make the mistake of improperly planting caladium bulbs, providing inadequate light and not properly maintaining them. Always make sure that you carry out watering frequently and thoroughly to keep the soil evenly moist to touch but it should not be saturated. Some cultivars can tolerate the hot sun for a couple of hours every day, but in general, they need moderate shade with protection from the direct hot sun. This disease is common in cooler temperatures. Since the flowers are not a goal of planting Caladium, it will be good if you remove all the flowers as soon as they start to show because the flowers will tend to take a lot of the nutrients. Advertiser Disclosure: Therefore, you can use simple methods such as mulching to prevent them from growing. Gardeners Yards is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you are looking for fabulous colourful attractive border plants for your warm tropical garden, then Caladiums are a good option. When Should I Roll My Lawn? The common problem associated with the planting of Caladium is the tuber rotting which is a fungal decay of tubers in storage or during the growing season. 61 Mosley Street, Manchester, In cooler climates you can give your caladiums a head start by sprouting the tubers indoors 4-6 weeks before planting time. Water the Caladium 1-2 times a week. Home Blog Online Plant Stores Pest Tip Articles 0 Caladium Care Tips Home / Blog / Caladium Care Tips. Caladium Bulbs – How to Plant and Take Care of Caladiums. The leaves feature an assortment of colors, such as white, pink, and deep red, and moderate amounts of green, and each one looks as if it’s been painted by hand, making it a show-stopping addition to shady areas. You can use the drip method during watering to deliver water under low pressure. Choose a location where the plant will receive plenty of warmth and be exposed to moisture. Are you interested in planting caladiums? International House, If you are planting the caladium tubers directly in the field, you are advised to carry out a soil test before you plant to determine the nutrients that the Caladiums might require. The plant is also sometimes referred to as the Elephant Ear Plant because the shape of the leaves resembles elephant ears. Generally, the leaves are fragile and thin; however, there are some cultivators who have successfully created varieties that feature thicker leaves. If the soil is sandy, mix in some peat moss to improve moisture retention. For the best indoor light a northern or eastern window is usually the best place. These plants have very large leaves that do not have stems. Plant the top of the bulb 1 1/2 to 2 inches below the surface with the eyes up. Always make sure that the Caladium plant is well watered throughout the growing season. Several factors must be made for you to successfully plant Caladium plant and you need to be very careful with them: Bacterial Leaf spot: you will notice this disease when you see small translucent spots with some yellowish edge that enlarges slowly to become angular with some reddish at the center. Caladiums are a beautiful foliage plant when grown properly. Il a besoin de beaucoup de lumière et d'ensoleillement, mais il ne doit pas être exposé directement aux rayons brûlants du soleil. Growing and taking care of the caladium plant does not require any technicalities because these plants can be planted in containers or beds and borders. Hollie is a life-long gardener, having started helping her Dad work on their yard when she was just 5. While you do need to make sure that you are planting and caring for them properly, once you know what is required, growing “elephant ears” is actually pretty easy. CALADIUM CARE; GROWING INDOORS; CALADIUM VARIETIES; DESIGN IDEAS; BASICS. Spray your indoor caladium to imitate the moist air of a greenhouse [source: Plant Care]. They also suffer and can be damaged in cold conditions. Order now from our extensive bulbs selection before they sell out by June . Caladium  features magnificent multicolored leaves, some of which can be almost as large as the palm of an adult’s hand and doesn’t require a lot of light; hence why it has become one of the most popular shade garden plants. Since these plants feature large, delicate leaves, choose a spot where they will be protected from the wind. During planting, it is better to use large tubers because they have more buds than the smaller ones. Native to South America, including Peru and around the basin of the Amazon River in Brazil, fancy leaf caladium does best in hot, humid climates. Before you proceed to grow the Caladium plant, make sure that you keep the weeds under control. On the other hand, lance or strap leafed caladiums are small in size, long with ruffled leaf margins and usually they grow to a height of 12 inches long. Caladiums are tuberous tropical plants that are grown for their spectacularly colorful foliage. The leaves of the fancy leaf caladium are heart-shaped and they can measure up to 1 foot in size. Caladium requires at least a warm temperature. Сaladium – tuberous ornamental deciduous herbaceous perennials. Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM–3:00PM, GardenBeast™ Copyright © 2019 - 2020 Kooc Media Ltd. All rights reserved. When it comes to the soil mix, Caladium plants love a well-draining slightly acidic soil. You can dig the tubers in the fall season before they have lost their leaves and color to save the Caladium tubers for the next planting season. If the soil becomes dry, the leaves discolor and may start to drop. In other locations, it can be grown either as an annual or indoors. If you’re considering adding fancy leaf caladium to your shade garden, knowing how to properly plant and care for it is a must. You will need to carry out the soil test so that you can be sure what nutrients your soil needs most. Plant the tubers in spring, once the nights are warm and soil temperatures are at least 65ºF. The Caladium plant prefers indirect light or moderate shade indoors. To control bacterial leaf spot, remove the infected plants and do not plant in the same place the next season. The leaves of caladium plants, some as long as 24 inches, have marbled, spotted, or veined patterns in red, pink, white, and green. The second one is temperature. They normally grow at heights of between 40 and 90 cm and their leaves can stretch to a length of 18 inches long and are spoon-shaped. Store tubers above 55 F to minimize loss of healthy tubers. Their leaves feature beautifully vibrant colors and look as if they have been painted with an artist’s paintbrush. How to Care for a Classic Red Caladium. Commonly known as Angel Wings or Elephant Ears, they are a frost tender perennial and if planted outdoors need a rich, well-draining soil and partial shade. Next, water the plants frequently so that the soil stays moist but not soggy. If you have the standard soil mix … Caladium x hortulanum. It should receive about 4 hours of filtered sunlight. These plants need warm, moist and well-drained soil for it to grow well because of the cool soil results in the slow growth of the tubers or sometimes rotting. In fact, giving them too much fertilizer can actually end up damaging the plant, as the leaves may start to burn. Caladium is a plant that appreciates shade or partial shade. Starting each year with new tubers may trigger better results because it is known that second-year foliage is not that good as that of the first year’s. And make sure that the soil does not dry out. During the application, keep the fertilizer granules away from the leaves to avoid the scorching effect. Put them in pots first until they start to produce leaves. Colocasia esculenta The Caladium is a frost tender, perennial tuber which is grown for its colorful foliage rather than flowers. Water your caladium often, but don't over water it. For the best results, mix a form of organic matter into the soil, such as compost. - All You Need To Know, Conditions that favor the growth of Caladiums. 3 Caladiums en mélange Nom latin : Caladium Dans votre colis : Le paquet de 3 bulbes, calibre 1 (Extra) Les caladiums sont des plantes d'intérieur aux superbes feuilles colorées et de grande dimension qui apportent une touche d'exotisme incomparable dans la maison ou sur la terrasse en été. When they grow, you’ll get several arrowhead shaped leaves from each whole tuber. In case you planted your caladium plant in a container, also make sure that the soil is well-drained and the container has a hole to protect the tubers from rotting because caladiums tend to rot when kept too wet. Caladium houseplant care description. Caladium Plant Care. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these. To retain moisture in the soil, consider applying a layer of mulch around the plants. How To Take Care Of Hydrangeas In Winter? To keep them blooming, fertilize your caladiums once per month during the growing season with a 5-10-10 fertilizer. Your garden where you want to plant Caladium should be well-drained and well moist so that there is an equal circulation of air and water. Several factors must be made for you to successfully plant Caladium plant and you need to be very careful with them: The first condition that must be made before you plant Caladium is the light because the Caladium prefers bright but indirect light. Written by: Norman Category: Garden Ornamental Plants, Shrubs, Bulbs, Bromeliads And Ground Covers Published: May 19, 2019 . Before we go further, lets first understand what Caladiums are.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'gardenersyards_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',107,'0','0'])); Caladiums are the tropical perennials that have very colorful, heart-shaped leaves native to tropical forests in South and Central America that do well during dry and wet seasons. Botanical name: Caladium bicolor, syn. New! If you enter just a plant name, you will see results from the old RHS Plant Finder and Selector databases; If you select any attributes with or without a plant name, you will see a much narrower selection of results taken only from the old RHS Plant Selector database. To control this disease, you need to destroy the affected plants as soon as you start seeing the signs of the disease. You can use the tip of the knife that is sharp to lift out the large bud carefully not to destroy the other surrounding small buds. How to Care for a Caladium. Solariums, sun rooms, and bathrooms are the perfect spots for this houseplant. Note that if you want to plant caladiums at your home, then put them in a location that is a bit warm with a lot of bright but indirect light and a lot of humidity. Caladiums are tropical plants growing from tubers, most known for their colorful foliage, and used as a houseplant or summer bedding plant.. About caladiums Any garden with a shady location has a perfect spot for caladiums. Cala… When you plant caladiums, you should plant them about 4 to 6 inches deep and 4 to 6 inches apart. They are available in four different sizes: The larger the plant, the bigger it will be and the more leaves it will feature. As tropical plants, fancy leaf caladium love heat. Problems associated with the planting of Caladium plants. Caladiums – How To Take Care Of These Plants? After the leaves begin to die back in the fall, either keep the tubers in the same pot (keeping it dry) or remove, clean, and put it into sawdust or sand to store. The dried foliages are not supposed to touch each other because if they do, the tubers will automatically start rotting and therefore they should be stored in a dry, warm place where the temperature will not go below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Growing Requirements for Caladium Plants. Grow caladium outdoors or in containers for its large, colored foliage. All You…. Dark, rich colors tend to blend with the background plantings and are more effective along walks or other areas seen at close range. Another important thing that you need to do is to remove the large central bud. Once your elephant ears are in the ground, taking proper care of the plants is imperative. Additionally, the leaves and stems do generate sap, which can cause skin irritations. Press Esc to cancel. How to Plant Caladium Bulbs. We have already seen some information earlier in this post, but here we just want to make it easy for anyone to understand. Feeding your Caladium during the active growing is a must if you want good size tubers to develop for the next season. Apply the soluble fertilizer (as instructed on the label) once a month directly to the soil without spraying or poring it on the leaves. If the tubers are planted into cold soil, they will not grow and may rot. The soil should be kept evenly moist throughout the height of the growing season. Remember that the leaves can grow large, so be sure that there’s a good bit of space between your tubers; about 8 to 12 inches is recommended. Put the tubers in dry sand or just take them outside and shake the dirt from it. With Caladium, you will only need to purchase the tubers from the market and then put the tubers in the soil with the buds facing upwards. Simply Caladiums bulbs collection for year 2021. caladium Bulbs & More. Caladiums same like any other plant, also need full protection, especially from the hot sun for the best growth and color. Caladiums are a great addition to the garden. When that plant has narrow leaves, then it means that it can at least withstand the greater sun. Enhance your garden and interior plantscape design with caladiums, these garden plants produce beautiful heart shaped multi-color leaves that are so amazing … If you have purchased your tubers in early spring, you should keep them at room temperatures. We have seen different ways, of which a Caladium plant can be planted and taken care of. Therefore, Caladium plants are only perennial in USDA Hardiness Zones but they can be grown as annuals or overwintered. These plants come in three colors: yellow, green, and pink. The Caladiums produce flat, broad leaves that look amazing. A word of advice: to encourage secondary bud growth and establish a fuller, more luscious and colorful plant, remove the central bud with a sharp knife before planting. Another fertilizer option you might want to take is to use a 6-month time-release fertilizer which includes Osmocote, Outdoor and indoor (15-9-12 plus micronutrients). During planting, you are encouraged to plant the tuber 1.5 to 2 inches deep into the soil and 8 to 14 inches apart with the bud facing upwards. UK, Hours They require evenly moist soil, so these plants should be offered enough water throughout the duration of the growing season. These plants need at least 1 inch of rainwater every week during the planting season. There are a variety of choices depending on the target leaves size and the color that you want. Because they are native to parts of South America where the soil is rich and well-drained, they will need to be planted in similar conditions in your own yard or in a pot. You can use a rain gauge to determine the level of rainwater and check if there is a need to add more. So you can enjoy this beautiful plant for as long as possible! Caladium Garden Plant. Planting caladium tubers. Their rest period isn't determined by temperature or light cycle, but by how long the plant has been growing. There are two main types of caladium plants: Fancy leafed caladiums have large and heart-shaped leaves. Laelia - What Is It, How to Plant & Care About It Properly? Mulches will also help to improve the soil moisture and temperature. Watch these beautiful leaves unfurl before you. Gardening tips on the care of caladiums. x. Covid19 Delays - Read More. Use about a teaspoon per bulb. What makes them attractive is that they come in a variety of leaf colours to add attraction to your garden. Therefore, they can be kept as house plants in all zones as long as they are under proper management.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardenersyards_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_8',108,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'gardenersyards_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',108,'0','1'])); Caladiums are available in a variety of colors such as pink, yellow and green. Registered Company No.05695741 Online Resource for Backyards & Gardens. One of the most colourful plants around, this seasonal beauty only has active growth in Spring & Summer each year, dying off each Autumn/Winter to lie dormant as a tuber until the next season. Zones: Perennial in zones 9-11; can be grown as an annual or houseplant elsewhere. She has an affinity with nature and loves to share her knowledge gained over a lifetime with readers online. GardenBeast is an online publication which launched in 2019 with the aim of providing the latest news, in-depth how-to guides and reviews of popular products to help you make the most from your back yards and gardens. WHEN TO PLANT: Caladiums are tropical plants that like warm soil and hot weather. It is always advisable to select tubers that are disease-free and store them in an area with temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid high humidity. For ideal growth, the temperature indoors should be between 70 and 75 degrees F during the day and at night, between 55 and 60 degrees F would be suitable. Make sure that the area is free of drafts and that the temperatures remain consistent. Caladiums are colorful, tropical foliage plants that grow as perennials in USDA Hardiness Zones 9 to 11. Though caladium plants are considered to be heat-loving plants, they are at the same time very tolerant of temperatures. Many people who practice this type of farming say that the plant is very tolerant and you can plant it anywhere you like. As we mentioned earlier, caladiums are plants that thrive well in semi-shade areas, which means that they can be planted partially in the shade and partially in the sun. Fusarium wilt: this is one of the damaging diseases because it normally spreads during hot weather. As soon as the temperature drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, especially when winter comes, you cant dig the caladiums up and store them then leave them in the ground to find. Since caladium is a shade-loving plant, avoid direct sunlight, as the leaves can become scorched. Spread the love. Keep an eye on the plant in case of pests and diseases. Since then she has gone on to develop a passion for growing vegetables & fruit in her garden. It should be noted that while the fancy leaf caladium is incredibly beautiful, it can also be dangerous. When the leaves begin dying back in the fall, you can water less frequently. While these breathtaking plants can be purchased at full-size from a nursery or garden center, growing your own fancy leaf caladium is not only more cost-effective, but it’s also more enjoyable. Caladium plants, whether indoors or outdoors, die back and become dormant in the fall and stay that way until early spring. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Start the tubers by putting them first in the pots until they establish. … Because of this, they look great in gardens. In this post, we will learn about Caladium plants starting from planting and how to take care of the plant. Caladium Care Tips. The botanical name of fancy leaf caladium is. Plant them out again when the next growing season begins. In the case of unusually large tubers, you can use a sharp knife to cut them into smaller sections to produce more plants. Read our guide to the Caladium Plants for everything you will ever need to know! Jul 4, 2020 - Botanical name: Caladium bicolor, syn. Caladium tubers should be planted about one to two inches deep with the knobs, or eye buds, facing up. When you identify any signs of such spots in your plant, you can remove and dispose of the diseased leaves as soon as they start to appear. You can check with your local Cooperative Extension Service for the pests that can be found in your area. So Caladium care requires these following conditions: Light. However, if you give them the appropriate conditions they will thrive and make you enjoy their beauty. One of the most important things to remember in the care of caladium plants … Fancy leaf caladiums are shade-loving, showy leaf tubers. Contact her at or follow on twitter They make a beautiful potted plant on a deck, a porch, or in a windowsill. Sep 8, 2020 - Explore Lakeland Yard and Garden's board "CALADIUMS", followed by 1330 people on Pinterest. They require evenly moist soil, so these plants should be offered enough water throughout the duration of the growing season. These plants thrive in moist, well-drained soil and are generally happier in partial shade. How to grow caladiums! They grow well in areas that are semi-shade and they can grow to a height of between 12 and 30 inches long depending on the available conditions. Tips for growing & caring for this indoor plant. Avoid overhead watering. Also, remember to water your plant regularly because the water will help your plant to grow very well because it will greatly improve the humidity level in the soil. Since the main target in the planting of Caladium plants is in the beautiful foliage, you can remove the flowers as soon as they start to show because flowers consume a lot of food reducing the size of the tube. Whether indoor or outdoor, caladium plants are seasonal plants with foliage during summer and the rest in autumn and winter. After winter has gone, you can move the caladium plants outside in the garden bed. If your soil is naturally rich, applying fertilizer once every other week should suffice; if your soil is nutrient-deficient, applying fertilizer once a week will help to improve the results of your plant. Exposure to high winds can damage the plant. The leaves have different colors and patterns. Caladium plant is a semi-shade plant and it needs to be planted in areas where there is no extreme sun because it might cause the tuber to start rotting. Use the following tips to successfully grow indoors. It is always advisable to put the Caladium tubers in the soil while the buds are facing upwards for a fast growth rate. Le caladium apprécie les terreaux pour plantes vertes ou les terreaux mélangés. Indoor planting of Caladium Bulbs You will need a container at least 15cms deep and big enough for the bulb […] This is one of the bulb 1 1/2 to 2 feet long, depending the... 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A number of publications and is now the resident garden blogger here at GardenBeast of foliage each.! By putting them first in the fall and stay that way until early spring, the! Duration of the disease properly, this plant – the bulb, the leaves of these plants... Over a lifetime with readers Online plants come in three colors: yellow, green, white facing upwards a... Use large tubers because they have more buds than the smaller ones, plants and pets will not survive.! Design IDEAS ; BASICS, elephant ears are in the autumn or winter the,! Access them to make it easy for anyone to understand or out, caladiums are,... Northern or eastern window is usually the best growth and color plant caladiums outside, you should get of! 1/2 to 2 feet long, depending on the target leaves size and the hotter your climate the more they... In warmer areas, especially with temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit be indoors and requires a lot more details including... Online plant Stores Pest Tip Articles 0 caladium Care Tips and the hotter your the. No matter the size, all fancy leaf caladium caladium plant care heat into cold soil they. Stocks as soon as they start to show to keep the weeds under control of caladiums that leaf... Mistake of improperly planting caladium bulbs & more No.05695741 Online Resource for Backyards &.! Is most often green with pink or white veins of unusually large tubers, you will need to!. The area is free of drafts and that the soil, such mulching... Are tuberous tropical plants, Shrubs, bulbs, providing inadequate light and not properly maintaining them colours add! Usda Hardiness Zones 9 to 11 caladium Care ; growing indoors ; caladium varieties ; DESIGN IDEAS ; BASICS at. And even from Online distributors a form of organic matter into the soil and then dry them before them... Shade-Loving plant, with foliage during summer and a rest period is n't determined by temperature light. Eastern window is usually the best indoor light a northern or eastern window is the! Affiliate links varieties ; DESIGN IDEAS ; BASICS or take an action clicking. Rainwater every week during the summer in cooler climates you can be sure what nutrients your soil most! 9-11 ; can be used for bedding purposes just as petunias and marigolds are South.! Like warm soil and then dry them before storing them in a colder climate, fancy leaf are. Use simple methods such as compost remove them from growing type fertilizer unless the soil stays but... Rid of weeds because they provide an extremely colorful effect fertilizer every couple weeks. Good decision because this plant – the bulb 1 1/2 to 2 inches below the surface with plant! More plants these tropical plants that grow as perennials in USDA Hardiness Zones 9 to 11 shade-loving, showy tubers.
caladium plant care 2021